The Other Side of Silence - Disappointed Boredom

After really enjoying an audio version of a Gunther novel some time ago (maybe Prague Fatale?) I was pleased to find a copy of The Other Side of Silence in my local library.
Many zzzzzzzzzzzzs later I realised that little was happening, apart from lengthy descriptions of people in MI5 and 6, and I returned it unfinished.
1. Am I being hyper-critical, or was Bernie unusually quiet in this volume?
2. Should I try the earlier novels?
Your views would be of interest.


  • Gunther is also older, decidedly more world-weary .. in The Other Side of Silence .. I am reading it now and I like it! But, definitely read the earlier works: the trilogy of Berlin Noir is terrific as it is about Gunther pre- WW2, during and the third (German Requiem) is set in 1945 ..
  • The denouement just takes a long time to set up. Gunther is in a state of suicidal depression (yet again) and the story is basically Maugham awakening his interest in life again before everything blows up wildly and gives the poor man another knock in life. Personally, I found it interesting enough - Maugham is a fascinating character. But this book is a sort of chamber piece, very different to the early Gunther books, where he has the energy to race around, getting into trouble. Just now, Gunther needs a break, after eleven volumes worth of being beaten up, involved in espionage and having his heart broken by random women.

    I do wonder what he will be like in Prussian Blue...
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