I actually knew Meyer Lansky. The first time we met was by chance. I was serving in the Israel Army on a weekend leave in Tel-Aviv. Meyer, as he usually did each morning was out walking his dog along the beach-front. At this time I had no idea who he was. I was sitting on the low brick wall facing the old opera house and round pool opposite the beach and he joined me . From then on we'd get together, drink coffee and chat most weekends. I liked the poor guy; felt sorry for him and we became good friends. When first he told me his name I was surprised but didn't show it. As a young kid in Australia I'd read about Meyer in the book Murder Incorporated which my father had bought. Later, in trust over many things we became very close.
I've never read any books before by Philip Kerr but presently I'm into reading "The Lady from Zagreb" It's great - right down my alley. I write too.
Lansky is only referrred to in Field Gray, but has a large “speaking” role in If The Dead Rise Not.