1922 to early 1933
Bernie joined KRIPO after the assassination of Walther Rathenau on 24th June 1922. He joined as a constable and was a Sergeant on the Vice Squad prior to joining the Murder Commission in 1928. At the time of his resignation in June 1933 he was an Inspector (AQF).
Solved the Fritz Gormann Strangler Case and established his reputation (TLFZ).
He was knifed at the Hotel Adlon by a female jewel thief whilst assisting Frieda Bamberger, the house detective (AQF).
May 1931
Bernie was in Berlin and Charlottenburg investigation the murder of a communist spy, met Erich Mielk and Elisabeth Dresler for the first time (FG).
9th and 10th August 1931
Involved in a gunfight with the communists in Berlin, later in Hamburg following suspects (FG).
Early summer 1932
Working on the Case of Anita Schwarz, living on Dragonerstrasse in Berlin. Had the rank of Commissar (Inspector) (AQF).
End February/September 1934
Resigned from the police to work as the House Detective at the Hotel Adlon (MV). Which he did until September 1934.
September 1934
Working as the House Detective at the Hotel Adlon investigating corruption regarding the building of the stadia for the 1936 Olympics (ITDRN).
1934 -1938
Working as a Private Investigator from his offices on the 4th floor of Alexander Haus, Alexanderplatz. He was living on Trautenau Stasse at the time (MV).
His daughter was born (ITDRN). He was working for Herr Minoux, spying on his wife Lilly (TLFZ).
Late July to Early August 1936
Working on the Pfarr Case (MV).
September to 26th October 1937
Visited Palestine and Egypt with Eichmann and Hagen on behalf of the SD Jewish Department (TOFTO).
January 1938
In Berlin working on the Captain Achim von Frisch blackmail case (TOSOS).
July 1938
Bernie was in Vienna where he saw Eichmann (TOFTO).
26th August to September 1939
Appointed by Heinrich as Ober-Kriminal Kommissar (Chief Inspector) in KRIPO where he remained until September 1939 (TPC).
26th August to 10th November 1938
In Berlin and Nuremberg investigating the Karl Maria Weisthor affair (TPC).
April 1939
Investigating the murder of Karl Flex at the Berghof in the Obersaltzberg of the Bavarian Alps, near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria. Awarded the Coburg Medal (PB).
25 May 1928 - 1929. Investigated Winnetou, Dr. Gnadenschuss, Frieda Ahrendt murder cases as Sergeant on Berlin Murder Commission