Late to the Party, but still enjoying the ride...

edited May 2012 in General
I am an avid fan of audiobooks. Recently, I found Bernie Gunther and, not thinking I was a fan of noir-style storylines, was completely enthralled by the character, the world in which he lives, and the smooth style with which he "operates".

I am ecstatic that there are an additional 6 books in the series and, while not there yet, must believe that Mr. Kerr has not yet written "one too many".

Philip, please keep the stories coming. You're a fantastically skilled storyteller, and your works are very much appreciated. If you have influence with your publisher, please push for John Lee to narrate the audio versions. He really "gets" Bernie's character.

Thanks so much for taking the time to research and write entertaining novels.


  • DanielC - You're where I was a month or two ago. Just started Berlin Noir and knew I found something special.

    On Field Grey at the moment and I have to slow down,as there is just one more book left far..yet to be released.

    I hope PK doesn't get distracted with the Princess Di project...can't get enough of BG..who is becoming almost "Sherlockian" as a series character.
  • >>> DanielC
    >>> I am an avid fan of audiobooks. Recently, I found Bernie Gunther and, not thinking I >>> was a fan of noir-style storylines, was completely enthralled by the character, the >>> world in which he lives, and the smooth style with which he "operates".

    >>> I am ecstatic that there are an additional 6 books in the series and, while not there >>> yet, must believe that Mr. Kerr has not yet written "one too many".

    >>> Philip, please keep the stories coming. You're a fantastically skilled storyteller, and >>> your works are very much appreciated. If you have influence with your publisher, >>> please push for John Lee to narrate the audio versions. He really "gets" Bernie's character.

    >>> Thanks so much for taking the time to research and write entertaining novels.

    Welcome DanielC. Glad you found Please keep posting as you read the rest of the books. You're in for a real treat! And hurry up because the next book is coming out in the UK in about a week!
  • I also came to the Bernie Gunther series late, having exhausted all of Alan Furst's novels as well as the Kurt Wallander novels. I've enjoyed the story lines of the BG novels very much, and especially the historical authenticity. Nothing kills my interest faster than mis-translations or misspellings, neither of which has been the case with the Bernie Gunther novels. I'm now reading the first of the Berlin Noir trilogy and hoping I don't run out of Bernie before his next appearance in 2013!
  • Welcome CraigM - you have something to look forward to. I just finished the last one in the series - it took me about 7 months to get through all 8 of them. In case you know German, Craig: there are a lot of misspellings of German words. Very sloppy editing on that. Could not have been that hard to get it right, but I guess good talent has its costs....
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