Reillylives's "Berlin Noir" Book Reviews Blog

edited November 2013 in General
Hey, Bernie fans! Checking out all the discussions here about Bernie and Kerr's great books got me thinking about the other writers who contribute to the genre that has come to be known as Berlin Noir. Folks like Jonathan Rabb, Rebecca Cantrell, David Downing, Joseph Kanon, Jeffery Deaver, etc. So I created a Berlin Noir blog where I will review every Berlin Noir book I can get my hands on. To get things rolling, I start with a review of MARCH VIOLETS and it's just gone live. Pop on over and check it out:

And if you have any suggestions for Berlin Noir books I may not be aware of, please contact me through the blog and let me know. I've got a list with around 25 or 26 titles on it. It's my hope you'll check out the blog to keep up to date with the genre while sticking here for all the Bernie news that's fit to print. I welcome any comments or suggestions any of you might have. Enjoy!


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