Not sure I can explain it any better then above. This is somewhat idiomatic speech I suppose.
Gunther wasn't aware of the Gestapo and the FBI inquiry. Dora did and told him to let
him know that she knew more then he to speak.
It seems …
The "that" in the sentence, refers to the fact THAT the Gestapo had asked the FBI for information on Max.
Both parts of that dialogue are Dora's. Her telling Bernie about the Gestapo asking the FBI about Max..laughing self assuredly at the informat…
BG has been described in several of the books as being blond haired and blue eyed;if I recall correctly. However, I have always pictured Gunther as dark haired and brown eyed; not sure why. Just can't picture him as a "nordic" looking German for so…
AS - Being from the States, and not being a speaker of German, the above would never have registered with me. However, your comments are very interesting. It would be the same, I suppose, as someone from Mississippi or Louisiana pretending to be a n…
>> Also, BG states in March Violets (book on loan so can't confirm!) that he only fought in Turkey during WW1? <<
That occurred to me as well, when reading the post Berlin Noir
(15 years lateer) books.
BG refers to the horrors of the…
I definitely will revisit this thread after QF..which is up next for me.
I guess the disconnect for me was that, the prologue in One From The Other taking place in 1937..a year prior to PC..yet written 15 years later, seemed character tone wise ou…
Maybe it's just me, but..has anyone else sensed a big disconnect in the dialogue style and narrative style in the prologue of One From The Other as opposed to the rest of the book.
I'm aware that One From The Other was written some 15 years after …
Without re-writing dialogue from the book...(again, I know it's a novel)
"Berlin Noir" Penquin edition, chapter 23, pp 512-518.
Heydrich and Himmler were hand in glove; benefactor and disciple.
Himmler " politically out maneuvered" Goring and hi…
I think this will be an interesting thread.
Possible spoiler for March Violets!
Sort of an inconsistency:
At the start of PC, when Bernie meets with Heydrich, he never mentions that just two years prior in MV's, Heydrich had sent him into …
I just received my copy today, here in the States. Pre ordered it from the UK.
I am just finishing FG. Since PF is the last book of the series ( at least for the moment)..I think I am going to save it for a bit. Read each BG book, one after the ot…
DanielC - You're where I was a month or two ago. Just started Berlin Noir and knew I found something special.
On Field Grey at the moment and I have to slow down,as there is just one more book left far..yet to be released.
I hope PK doesn't…
I guess I am going against the grain..but I found QF to be one of the best of the series. I enjoyed the flashback format, and found QF to be a more "mature" entry in the series. BG's weariness seemed to infuse the story; as it should have by that po…
There isn't a BG tale that I haven't enjoyed...each for a little different reason.
While I found the the ending a bit contrived..this was a twisting, turning plot that kept the reader guessing and page least it did me. Really enjoyed t…
Even though BG describes himself as having blond hair and blue eyes..I still see him as having dark hair and brown eyes; no matter how I try to visualize him as described...strange...
It's just amazing that no one has brought a BG story to the big screen.
GR and OftO (which I am half way through) would be great on film (screen played and cast properly etc). I've read that a German company bought the rights some years ago, but ha…
Just finishing up GR..absolutely great book..Best of the Berlin Noir IMHO.
If I had to pick out favorite lines in GR..I would be spending all my time posting, and little time reading.
I think PK out does himself with great phrases and descriptive…
Just finishing PC and as Doug says above..Kindermann told Gunther that she was depressive and he treated her with injected cocaine. She went to his clinic and there, over dosed. Presumably,
Kindermann disposed of her body.
Enjoyed MV very much. Great intro to BG and his world. Plot twists and turns and keeps one guessing. Female characterizations more finely drawn IMHO. A great sense of place...Berlin 1930's..but from a real bottom up point of view. A small criticism.…
PK's review pointed me toward " In the Garden of Beasts", and I am reading it, while just starting "Pale Criminal".
" In the Garden of Beasts", is one one the best books I've read on Germany in the early 1930's. It is absolutely riveting and reads… - Thanks for the reply. Just finishing up MV and will immediately be starting PC.
Regarding my question on vernacular and slang of the period, yes I would think that PK researched mags and journals of the period as you suggest.
I guess I …
Also just discovered PK and BG, Started reading Berlin Noir last week and enjoying it very much. Looking forward to the rest of the Bernie Gunther series.
A question for anyone...the idiomatic speech that BG uses, the slang, has a very "American '…