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  • I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but "Lady" is my least favorite book. Oh sure, it's BG, so how bad could it possibly be? Agreed, but: what bugged me the most was that there was no mystery to be solved. The plot just sort of, well, plodded along. Lo…
  • I agree. For example, in previous books, Kerr rarely paid attention to accents (which led to some notable improbables), but in "Zagreb" accents do play a more prominent role.
  • I did not like this book as much as the others. Not quite sure why. It took me much longer to read it, an indication that it just did not quite grab me as some of its predecessors had done. Without giving too much away, I found there to be no rea…
  • Just finished PF and must agree that it is a return of sorts to his previous style. I did not like FG as it did not have a very authentic feel to it for me. Kerr's ability to weave historical persons into the narrative is unparalleled. Looking fo…
  • Welcome CraigM - you have something to look forward to. I just finished the last one in the series - it took me about 7 months to get through all 8 of them. In case you know German, Craig: there are a lot of misspellings of German words. Very slo…
  • I just finished Field Gray and found that I did not like it as much as the others. I can't quite get my head around why and wonder how other BG fans feel about this book. It's not that I didn't like it per se, but it surely didn't grab me the way …
  • Interesting that people prefer the earlier books. For me it's just the opposite. The Dead Rise Not was the first one I read, and I'd still rank it highest, followed closely by One from the Other and Quiet Flame. Of the earlier Books I'd rate Germ…
  • Neither Daniel Craig nor Russel Crowe would be appropriate. Bernie is a complex character and highly "imperfect" human being. Craig and Crowe do not fit that type at all. For some reason, from the first page, I always pictured Michael Madsen as B…
  • No, it couldn't. In "Quiet Flame" Bernie interviews one of the ex-Nazis, telling him he was from Munich. Again: it couldn't happen. But here it's not so dramatic because the story does not depend on it. What's interesting in the entire context i…
  • I am a native German speaker, I know Berlin very well, and I am a political scientist (though not a historian). I find the novels fascinating, I have enjoyed the six I have read so far tremendously, and I don't really care about the occasional fact…